Harmony | Dr-iV | IV Therapy in France



€ 590.00

Best for:

chronic fatigue, protect against infections, anti-inflammatory, illness recovery, detox

What's inside:

Zinc+cupper+magnesium+fluor+selenium+chrome+iodine+extra vitamin C

Take a step back from the craziness surrounding you. Harmony Drip is a deep breath for a busy life, made for all the ambitious and hardworking people who sometimes forget to put themselves first.

Most of us tend to underestimate how much stress can affect us both physically and mentally. A busy lifestyle can lead to body aches, insomnia, chest pain and loss of sexual desire. Such physical effects usually go in pair with anxiety, difficulty to focus and changing moods.

Allow your mind and body a break to keep up with our fast paced world. The Harmony drip aims to reduce stress and anxiety. Become your true self, get energy and reach new perspectives.

Schedule your appointment online and our trained nurses available 24/7*, will be at your place, to help you start fresh.

*night appointments upon request and subject for additional fees.